We hope you’re having a great start to the warmer Spring months! We have a great deal for anyone who is looking for a Spring sale (or want their table by Christmas!) on our beautiful and sturdy game tables—the coupons from PAX East end May 12th!

Wait…CHRISTMAS? Yes. Because White Glove Delivery can take 4–9 weeks depending on your location, we recommend you place your order by May 31st for Christmas delivery. If you live on the West Coast, you really need to plan for your order to be placed by May 15th. We’ll certainly try to get your order to you after that point (our production time still averages 4 months), but our experience shows this is the most effective way to do it.

Here at Carolina Game Tables we celebrated International Tabletop Day, made summer convention plans, and we have a couple “As Is” tables for immediate sale in our Hickory, NC, showroom (now with White Glove Delivery available!).

But more on that later—here’s the ad previously printed in the PAX East program guide, complete with coupon codes!

Click to expand!

Click to Expand!









“As Is” Tables for Sale (Now With White Glove Delivery!)

We have two tables currently available in our showroom for sale, no waiting for production time! White Glove Delivery is available for these tables, or you can pick up from us in Hickory, NC, at no additional charge. Email us at info@carolinagametables.com for a White Glove rate or to make the sale.

$1099 Kitchen in French Couture and Tan, set up with GKR Heavy Hitters (not included, but table top and 3 chairs are!!

$1099 “As Is” Kitchen in French Couture and Tan at counter height, set up with GKR Heavy Hitters (not included, but table top and 3 chairs are)!









Update: Tablezilla is SOLD!

$2199 "As Is" Tablezilla in Sagamore Hill with Purple fabric with cup holders. Includes two dining top pieces.

$2199 “As Is” Tablezilla in Sagamore Hill with Purple fabric with cup holders. Includes two dining top pieces.









Make Plans to Join us at ConCarolinas, Gen Con, and DragonCon This Summer!

Our first convention of the summer is in Charlotte, NC, at ConCarolinas May 31-June 2nd. This is a growing convention local to us, and we will be in attendance Friday and Saturday, returning Sunday evening to pack up (we have a church commitment that morning). Of all our summer conventions this is the ONLY show we are running Savage Worlds demos and games as well as having the Carolina Game Tables booth. We know a lot of our customers are interested in our award-winning tabletop roleplaying game, so we wanted to let you know this is the best convention to be able to play with us!

We will not be at Origins in Columbus, OH, this year due to a family conflict—our daughter graduates from high school that weekend! We’ll return in 2020.

Gen Con in Indianapolis, IN, August 1-4th, will be a big event for us, though, with a booth on the Exhibit Floor and a special showcase in the corridor leading to Lucas Oil Stadium. Yes, Gen Con is so huge they have tabletop events on the field!

Our last convention of the summer will be DragonCon in Atlanta, GA, Aug. 29–Sept. 2nd. We have not heard about our booth placement yet, but we’ll likely have another update before then.

Pics from Our 2019 International Tabletop Day Celebration!

We heard GeeknSundry changed the date from the last Saturday in April to the first in June, but seeing as how we’ll be at ConCarolinas, we kept the April date and will continue to keep it. Sorry, GeeknSundry! April was also when we opened our showroom in 2016, so it’s an anniversary celebration for us as well. Other than this event and one in the Fall (TBD), our showroom hours are by appointment only.

Mark your calendar now for next year to join us: April 25, 2020!

Tablezilla in Sagamore Hill and Purple. Clint GMd an East Texas University game, one of our Savage Worlds settings.

Tablezilla in Sagamore Hill and Purple. Clint GM’d an East Texas University game, one of our Savage Worlds settings.










$1999 Banquet in Cherry and Blue, all prepped for Mysterium!

$1999 Banquet in Cherry and Blue, all prepped for Mysterium!









$1599 Dining in Sagamore Hill and Emerald. Playtesting Photopathy!

$1599 Dining in Sagamore Hill and Emerald. Playtesting Photopathy!









$1199 Kitchen in French Couture and Burgundy, set up for Fireball Island!

$1199 Kitchen in French Couture and Burgundy, set up for Fireball Island!









$899 Coffee in Cherry and Purple, with an impressive spread of Dominoes!

$899 Coffee in Cherry and Purple, with an impressive spread of Dominoes!