We returned from PAX Unplugged believing we could settle back in only to realize we’re still running a Kickstarter and still have the Gold Cup Holder Promotion running, and—oh yeah—Thanksgiving! So to cover them all quickly…
Gold Cup Holders!
Jazz up your Carolina Game Table with gold colored cup holders! Place your order for a Dining Game Table, Streamer Game Table, or Tablezilla and note in the comments you want to “level up” to Gold for free! We don’t have enough room on the Coffee Game Table or Kitchen Game Table design to add cup holders (of any color), but those designs are still available to order!
PAX Unplugged
The convention was incredible. As usual, the PAX folks ran a terrific event without most of the issues a first year convention faces. We love PAX South and East (and I’m sure West and Australia are wonderful too but we’ve never had the pleasure of attending them…yet), but there was something about a PAX dedicated solely to tabletop gaming that was, well, literally a wish come true. We can only see PAX Unplugged becoming bigger and better with each passing year!
We want to thank Chuu and Andrew, our booth helpers for this convention—and proud owners of a Dining Game Table since February 2017! If we come to your city and you want to help with the Carolina Game Tables booth, please email Clint@CarolinaGameTables.com.
Cabinet Game Table Update
We had a lot of folks asking about the Cabinet Game Table at PAX Unplugged, and even with only the old prototype to show off, we explained to everyone who asked how the table would be assembled (it felt like a million times, but that’s good!). On our return, we got some pictures from the factory of the final design in transition so it would be clear to everyone else as well. Check out the link to the Kickstarter Update here to see how it all comes together!
It may sound like a cliché, but we at Carolina Game Tables are thankful for all of you, our customers and supporters. We get to do something we love and hopefully make our fellow gamers happy while doing it. As a company, there’s nothing more rewarding than that. Thank you all for that opportunity!
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