We’re ecstatic to announce all our table designs now have multiple height options!
We’ve had people asking for different heights from the very beginning, so this is a fairly big deal for us. We also know it seems like an easy thing to implement from the outside, but for our little company it took some doing (see Feedback, below). That’s boring, though–let’s get to the new options!
TL;DR? You can upgrade a Kitchen, Dining, Streamer, or Tablezilla from dining height to counter height for $100, or from dining to bar height for an additional $200. On the Coffee Game Table design, upgrade from coffee to dining height for $100.
Coffee Game Table Options
Height Options: coffee (20″ tall for $899) and dining (30″ tall for $999)
Inset play area is 40″ x 24″; Edges are 4″ wide; Table top is 48″ x 32″ and a one piece top is included in the price.
Kitchen Game Table Options
Height Options: dining (30″ tall for $1199), counter (36″ tall for $1299), and bar (42″ tall for $1399)
Inset play area is 38″ x 38″; Edges are 5″ wide; Table top is 48″ x 48″ and a one piece top is included in the price.
Dining Game Table Options
Height Options: dining (30″ tall for $1599), counter (36″ tall for $1699), and bar (42″ tall for $1799)
Add 6 Cupholders for $150 ($1749 dining/$1849 counter/$1949 Bar)
Inset play area is 32″ x 50″; Edges are 8″ on long sides and 11″ at head/foot of table; Table top is 4′ x 6′ (48″ x 72″) and is included in the price–your choice of a one or a two piece top.
Streamer Game Table Options
Height Options: dining (30″ tall for $1999), counter (36″ tall for $2099), and bar (42″ tall for $2199)
Add 6 Cupholders for $150 ($2149 dining/$2249 counter/$2349 bar)
Inset play area is about 40″ x 36″/69″; Edges are 11″ on all playing sides, 4″ on camera (long) side; Footprint for table is 4.5′ x 8′; Table top included in two pieces.
Tablezilla Game Table Options
Height Options: dining (30″ tall for $2199), counter (36″ tall for $2299), and bar (42″ tall for $2399)
Add 8 Cupholders for $200 ($2399 dining/$2499 counter/$2599 bar)
Inset play area is 36″ x 74″; Edges are 11″; Table top is 58″ x 96″ and is included in the price as a two piece top.
Tablezilla is already our biggest and heaviest table, clocking in over 350 pounds! If you’re getting the bar height option be prepared to have at least 6 people, if not more, to help turn it over when setting it up or moving it. Cupholders make for easier handles, we’ve learned. 🙂
Feedback, or, How We Got Here
Carolina Game Tables uses a modern furniture manufacturing facility we share with other small companies like ourselves and the employees work from templates. Because of this process we’re able to deliver sturdy, quality built game tables which will function beautifully for decades, while also keeping costs low.
So if we’re using a production line, why was it so hard to make longer legs? We had to create a new manufacturing template for each design’s leg height. Some things stay the same no matter the leg height, but others change you might not think of, like the steel corner brackets fastening the legs to the table base. It’s drilled in different configurations for each height for maximum stability. This means the legs on a dining height Tablezilla can’t be replaced with counter height legs–the bolts won’t fit the bracket.
We really can’t help most people who have custom build requests, but we like to hear what they’re looking for! That helps us decide what to focus on next, and it takes months to get to the point of announcing something like this. So email info@carolinagametables.com if you have any ideas or suggestions!
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